Impact sockets and accessories

Available for sale
Available for rent

The largest impact sockets stock in France and Belgium! Hundreds of new impact sockets from ½’’ to 2 ½’’ up to 195mm AF.

Proven quality

Impact sockets provide support and absorb the shock of every impact. Compared to all other manufacturers in the world, our Momento’s sockets are stronger and more durable ! Truly unbreakable.

First Bolting impact sockets are beyond doubt the most durable ones in the market. We tested our 3/4” square drive 24mm AF, against 9 similar sockets from 7 major brands. The test consisted of cycling the sockets at 1,300 ft.lbs./2000 Nm, continuously until failure. Momento sockets lasted 139,370 cycles until breakage, while the nearest competitor only reached 47,730 cycles, 65% less!

Do you need bespoke impact sockets or accessories?

First Bolting also design custom solutions and accessories for all your assembly applications: spigot for manual torque wrenches, impact sockets, back-up wrenches, reaction arms, adapted workstation, etc.

We have produced hundreds of impact sockets on demand to our customers with a 0% return rate.

Impact sockets and accessories  Buy / Rent

    Quotes are free. We also offer demonstrations and tests of our products in your offices.

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